Guidelines for Reviewers

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All submitted manuscripts are reviewed online. Reviewers are expected to:

1) Send their comments to the editorial board within one month.

2) Inform the editorial board instantly if:

a. The topic of the distributed manuscript is beyond the reviewer's expertise

b. The reviewer is unable to do the review

c. The review could not be completed on time

d. The reviewer has personal connections with the submitting author

Under the above circumstances, the editorial board shall timely redistribute the manuscript to an alternative reviewer. 

Reviewers of overdue manuscripts will receive a speed-up notice from the editor.

3) Evaluate the quality of the manuscript prudently and objectively. Detailed comments should be given with respect to the topic, abstract, research method, credibility of research results, textual representation, tables/figures, choice of references, and alignment with publishing ethics etc.

4) Give comments that include an overall assessment and detailed evaluation on each part of the manuscript.

5) Be accountable for their comments and recommendations.

6) Give due respect to the authors' views and findings

7) Keep the content of the manuscripts and their comments confidential to irrelevant parties. If a second opinion is needed under certain circumstances, reviewers should guarantee the confidentiality of the third party's opinion under the same terms.

8) Keep the reviewer's name hidden to the submitting author. 

The editorial board is fully grateful for the contributions of the reviewers.

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