
Temperature variation and smoke composition of flame-retardant conveyor belt in the early stage of friction accident

  • 摘要: 为实现带式输送机火灾早期预警,改进滚筒摩擦实验平台并监测阻燃输送带温度。利用质谱(MS)技术,分析钢丝绳芯阻燃输送带在摩擦事故早期的升温规律与烟气成分。研究表明,随着摩擦持续进行,阻燃输送带表面温度分布呈现出较强的对称性,最高温度区域逐渐向输送带中心集聚,烟气成分随温度变化而改变。根据实验中烟气产物主要成分以及对应的反应过程,将钢丝绳芯阻燃输送带升温过程分为氧化反应阶段(环境温度至100 ℃)、取代反应阶段(100~160.2 ℃)和热解反应阶段(160.2 ℃以后)。当阻燃输送带处于氧化反应阶段时,输送带热容量较小、升温快,产物多为烷基和酯类化合物;取代反应阶段热容量逐渐增加,升温放缓,产物多为硝基、醚类、羧酸类化合物;热解反应阶段输送带内部热容量基本稳定,升温速率最小,在160.2 ℃时在烟气成分中首次检测到含氯化合物。


    Abstract: This study improves the roller friction experiment platform for monitoring the temperature of flame-retardant conveyor belt in order to realize the early warning of belt conveyor fire.Mass spectrometry is used to analyze the patterns of temperature rise and smoke composition of steel cord flame-retardant conveyor belt in the early stage of friction accident.Results show that as friction progresses, the flame-retardant conveyor belt exhibits symmetrical distribution of surface temperature, where the highest temperature gradually approaches to the center of the conveyor belt and the composition of smoke changes with temperature.The steel cord flame retardant conveyor belt warming process could be divided into three stages according to their warming rate and smoke composition output: stage of oxidation reaction(ambient temperature to 100 ℃), stage of substitution reaction(100~160.2 ℃), and pyrolysis reaction(after 160.2 ℃).The initial stage features low heat capacity of the conveyor belt with quickly-rising temperature, where the products are mostly alkyl and ester compounds.The second stage exhibits gradual increase of heat capacity, slowly-rising temperature, where the products are mostly nitro, ether, and carboxylic acid compounds.The last stage features stable heat capacity of the conveyor belt, the lowest heating rate, where the chlorine-containing compound is detected for the first time in the smoke composition.


