张帆, 管增伦. 矿井盲区环境移动通信系统研究与设计[J]. 矿业科学学报, 2016, 1(2): 181-187.
引用本文: 张帆, 管增伦. 矿井盲区环境移动通信系统研究与设计[J]. 矿业科学学报, 2016, 1(2): 181-187.
Zhang Fan, Guan Zenlun. A novel mine mobile communication system of blackout environment in the coal mine[J]. Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016, 1(2): 181-187.
Citation: Zhang Fan, Guan Zenlun. A novel mine mobile communication system of blackout environment in the coal mine[J]. Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016, 1(2): 181-187.


A novel mine mobile communication system of blackout environment in the coal mine

  • 摘要: 针对现有矿井移动通信系统抗干扰和抗故障能力差,以及极易形成大量的信号场强盲区或死区等问题,基于电磁波理论研究了矿井无线通信盲区的成因机理,提出了一种双总线型网络结构和分布式天线+漏泄天线结构的矿井无盲区移动通信系统,给出了系统的工作原理。通过实验验证了系统结构的可靠性、漏泄天线的均匀覆盖能力和分布式天线的系统容量。结果表明,该系统抗故障和抗干扰能力强,网络覆盖范围广,能够消除矿井无线通信盲区,可承载目前矿井环境语音、视频和数据通信业务,能满足矿井生产调度、应急通信、抢险救灾和全矿井移动通信的需要。


    Abstract: To address the problems of mine mobile communication system existing poor anti nterference and anti disaster ability, and easy to form a large number of signal strength blind spots or dead zones and other issues, the genesis mechanism of wireless communications blind zones in the mine tunnel is clarified based on the electromagnetic wave theory, and a novel mine mobile communication system without blind zones is developed. A dual bus shaped network structure for mine mobile communication system is proposed, and the antenna structure considering distributed antenna and leakage is presented. Also, the working principle of the system is clarified, and the working frequency design is proposed. The results demonstrate that the system have wide network coverage, as well as ant failure and anti interference ability, which can eliminate the blackout of mine wireless communications in the coal mine, and meet mine production scheduling, emergency communications and relief, as well as whole mine mobile communication requirements.


