
Study on performances and influence factors of mud foam

  • 摘要: 煤自燃严重威胁着煤矿安全生产,传统灌浆等煤自燃防治技术效果不佳。 泥浆泡沫是一 种新型的防灭火材料,本文对泥浆泡沫制备的影响因素、因素主次性及最佳配比进行了探究。 研 究表明,泡沫体积的影响因素由大至小依次为表面活性剂浓度、稳定剂浓度、泥浆浓度,稳定时间 的影响因素由大至小依次为泥浆浓度、稳定剂浓度、表面活性剂浓度。 同时,通过程序升温试验 进行了泥浆泡沫阻化性能测定,经泥浆泡沫处理的煤样在200℃时CO、CH4 的释放量较原煤煤 样分别降低49*7%和35*1%,泥浆泡沫有效抑制了煤体氧化和CO、CH4 释放,具有良好的阻化 性能。


    Abstract: Spontaneous combustion of coal is a serious threat to the safety production pocess of coal mine,the traditional technology of coal spontaneous combustion control such as grouting in not good.Mud foam is a new type of fire-fighting material,and the influence factors,major-minor sequence of factors and optimum proportion of mud foam preparation were investigated in this paper.Research results shows that the influence on foam volume is in the descending order of surfactant concentration,stabilizer concentration and mud concentration,while the influence on stable time is in the descending order of mud concentration,stabilizer concentration and surfactant concentration.Meanwhile,the inhibition property of mud foam is measured through the programmed temperature test.The release amount of CO,CH4 of coal samples treat with mud foam at temperature of 200 C decrease by 49.7% and 35.1%,respectively,compare with that of raw coal samples.Hence,the mud foam with good inhibition property can effectively coal oxidation and the release of CO,CH4.


