彭思伟, 戴子瑜. 煤制油废水中溶解性有机物(DOM)在生物处理过程中的变化特性[J]. 矿业科学学报, 2018, 3(6): 587-595.
引用本文: 彭思伟, 戴子瑜. 煤制油废水中溶解性有机物(DOM)在生物处理过程中的变化特性[J]. 矿业科学学报, 2018, 3(6): 587-595.
Peng Siwei, Dai Ziyu. Variation characteristics of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in coaltoliquids wastewater during biological treatment process[J]. Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2018, 3(6): 587-595.
Citation: Peng Siwei, Dai Ziyu. Variation characteristics of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in coaltoliquids wastewater during biological treatment process[J]. Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2018, 3(6): 587-595.


Variation characteristics of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in coaltoliquids wastewater during biological treatment process

  • 摘要: 厌氧/好氧(A/O)处理工艺是衔接煤制油废水前处理和深度处理的重要工艺环节。本论文针对煤制油废水在A/O处理过程中有机物的变化特性进行了深入分析,旨在评价A/O处理工艺的效果、明确DOM的变化特性、筛选出A/O处理后的特征污染物,为后续深度处理提出针对性建议。本论文运用气象色谱质谱联用仪(GC/MS)、树脂分级、荧光光谱和平行因子分析(PARAFAC)模型对水样进行分析。GC/MS实验结果表明,A/O处理工艺可去除废水中的部分有机物;树脂分级结果表明,A/O处理前后水体中均以憎水性物质为主,但成分有所改变;荧光光谱分析结果表明,A/O处理过程可有效去除腐殖酸类和富里酸类区域内有荧光响应的有机物;可使用平行因子分析结合三维荧光光谱技术代替烦琐的GC/MS分析。A/O处理过程可有效去除煤制油废水中的有机物,在后续的深度处理中应加强对苯酚和酯类物质的去除。


    Abstract: The anaerobic/aerobic(A/O) treatment process was an important process for linking pretreatment and deep treatment of coaltoliquids(CTL) wastewaterTherefore,in this study,the variation characteristic of DOM in A/O treatment process of CTL wastewater has been analyzed in deepThe purpose of this paper was to evaluate the treatment efficiency of A/O process,clarify the variation characteristics of DOM,select the characteristic pollutants after A/O treatment and provide theoretical basis and pertinent suggestions for subsequent deep treatmentWater samples were analyzed by GC/MS,resin fractionation,fluorescence spectroscopy and PARAFAC modelGC/MS experimental analysis revealed that A/O process could partially remove DOM in CTL wastewaterThe DOM fractionation results showed that wastewater were mainly hydrophobic substances before and after A/O treatment,but the compositions changedThe fluorescence spectrum analysis results showed that the A/O process could effectively remove organics with fluorescence response in humic acid and fulvic acid region in DOMOn the other hand,EEM conjunction with PARAFAC model could precisely monitor organic pollutants evolutionsIn summary,the A/O process could effectively remove the DOM from the coaltoliquid wastewater,and the removal of phenol and esters should be strengthened in the subsequent deep treatment


