Deformation monitoring of the Daguangbao landslide with time series InSAR technique
摘要: 大光包滑坡位于四川省安县高川乡,是2008年5月12日发生的8.0级汶川地震所引起的面积最大的滑坡,给人类财产、安全造成了巨大的损失.为监测该滑坡变形,防患于未然,本文采用时序InSAR技术来获取该滑坡的形变特征.为获取实验区的形变范围、形变速率和时序形变值,收集了实验区的11景2014年到2015年间的Radarsat-2影像以及一组TanDEM双站影像.实验结果表明,该滑坡在影像观测期间处于动态稳定状态,其滑动形变量较小,受降水和地震影响会产生轻微滑动,不会引起巨大的地质灾害.Abstract: The Daguangbao landslide is located in the Gaochuan village,Anxian county in the Sichuan province,China.It is the largest coseismic landslide triggered by the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008 and it caused enormous human casualties and property damage.The time series InSAR technique is utilized to retrieve the deformation characteristics of the landslide to monitor the displacement and disasters warning.In order to get the deformation and deformation rate,eleven scenes of radar images collected from Radarsat-2 satellite between 2014 and 2015 and one pair of TanDEM bi-static images are used to obtain the time series values in the study.The study shows that the landslide is in a state of dynamic balance during the observation period,and its tiny deformation is induced by precipitation and earthquakes happened around the landslide.Therefore the landslide will not cause big geological disasters.