
Calculation method for mining subsidence combining probability integral method and SBAS-InSAR

  • 摘要: 针对开采沉陷概率积分法参数反演过程中存在容易陷入局部最优解、反演结果无法准确预计边缘沉降的问题,提出将蜣螂优化算法应用于概率积分法参数反演,结合SBAS-InSAR沉降监测值获取矿区整体沉降信息。首先依据SBAS-InSAR技术监测形变的梯度信息获取可靠的矿区小梯度形变区域沉降值;然后将寻优能力强、准确度高的蜣螂优化算法应用于概率积分法参数反演,计算获取矿区大梯度形变区域沉降值;最后基于距离平方加权法将概率积分法预计沉降值与SBAS-InSAR沉降监测值融合计算,得到开采沉陷变形信息。以山西省古交市马兰矿10604工作面作为研究对象,采用实地62个水准监测点数据与25景Sentinel-1A数据进行实验分析。结果表明,蜣螂优化算法参数反演结果优异,数据融合后可获取准确的沉降信息,计算精度相对于单独使用SBAS-InSAR和概率积分法分别提高59 % 与32 %。


    Abstract: To address the issues of local optima and inaccurate edge subsidence predictions in the parameter inversion process of the mining subsidence probability integral method, the authors propose applying the dung beetle optimizer algorithm to invert probability integral method parameters and integrate SBAS-InSAR subsidence monitoring values to obtain comprehensive subsidence information for the mining area. The method first utilizes gradient information from SBAS-InSAR technology to obtain reliable subsidence values for areas with small deformation gradients in the mining area. It then applies to the dung beetle optimizer algorithm, known for its strong optimization capability and high accuracy, to invert the parameters of the probability integral method and calculate subsidence values for areas with large deformation gradients. Finally, the subsidence values from the probability integral method and SBAS-InSAR monitoring are fused using a quadratic distance weighting method approach to derive the mining subsidence deformation information for the mining area. Using the 10604 working face of the Malan Mine in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province, as the study area, experimental analysis was conducted using data from 62 field leveling monitoring points and 25 Sentinel-1A images. The results indicate that the parameter inversion using the dung beetle optimizer algorithm is excellent, and accurate subsidence information can be obtained after data fusion. This approach improves accuracy by 59 % compared to using SBAS-InSAR alone and by 32 % compared to using the probability integral method alone.


