
Accelerated random noise suppression of seismic data using compressed singular-value decomposition

  • 摘要: 随机噪声是地震数据处理中常见的干扰之一。传统的随机噪声压制方法采用的是奇异值分解技术,但是其计算效率较低,难以适应大规模地震数据处理。为了提高随机噪声压制效率,提出一种基于压缩奇异值分解的随机噪声压制技术。该技术在计算奇异值时首先基于压缩感知理论对原始数据进行稀疏变换,然后将变换后的结果用于近似求解高维左右奇异向量和奇异值,避免对原始高维数据的直接处理,提高奇异值分解的准确性和计算效率。基于三维合成地震记录和实际数据对该技术的有效性和实用性进行验证,并与采用传统奇异值分解、随机奇异值分解的技术进行对比。结果表明:该技术能够有效压制地震数据中的随机噪声,同时有效信号得以增强突显;相对于传统和随机奇异值分解,压缩奇异值分解技术具有更高的计算效率,可大幅节约时间成本,并进一步提高信噪比。


    Abstract: Random noise is one of the common background noises in seismic data, and its attenuation will directly affect the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data, which is of great significance to improve the quality of seismic data. Low-rank approximation technique is a commonly used method to suppress random noise of seismic data. It converts frequency spatial domain data into the form of Hanke matrix, and uses singular value decomposition technique to reconstruct data by retaining large singular values, so as to achieve the purpose of rank reduction and suppress random noise. The method takes advantage of the low-rank nature of noiseless seismic data, which can be destroyed in the presence of random noise. However, traditional singular value decomposition technology has low computational efficiency, and seismic data generally consist of a large amount of datasets, so traditional singular value decomposition technology will inevitably lead to a large increase in time cost. In order to improve the efficiency of random noise suppression, a new singular value decomposition technique based on compressed sensing theory is proposed. The sparse representation of data is considered in the calculation of singular values, and the sparse representation of data is used to approximate the solution of high-dimensional singular vectors and singular values, so as to improve the accuracy and computational efficiency of singular value decomposition. Compressed sensing theory makes full use of data sparsity, avoids direct processing of original high-dimensional data, and theoretically has high computational efficiency. Three-dimensional synthetic seismic records and field data examples are used to verify the validity and practicability of the proposed method, and comparisons with traditional and random singular value decomposition techniques are performed. The results show that the improved low-rank approximation technique can effectively suppress random noise in seismic data, and the effective signal can be enhanced and highlighted. Compared with traditional and random singular value decomposition, the compressed singular value decomposition technique has higher computational efficiency and can greatly save time cost. Low-rank approximation technology based on compressed singular value decomposition has better performance than other methods in random noise suppression and can further improve the signal-to-noise ratio.


