
Study on the prevention system of rockburst for the entire life cycle of underground coal mines

  • 摘要: 现有冲击地压防治主要集中在矿井生产期间,导致难以从根本上遏制冲击地压灾害。基于全生命周期管理理念,将矿井周期划分为勘查、建设、生产和关停4个阶段,从不同阶段实施“源头”预防和治理措施。矿井勘查阶段重在对新建矿井可采煤层进行冲击倾向性评估和冲击危险性预测;矿井建设阶段重在结合各可采煤层及其顶底板冲击倾向性鉴定和冲击危险性评价结果,进行冲击地压矿井鉴定,建立健全防冲机构,完善管理制度,确定矿井产能并开展矿井防冲设计;矿井生产阶段分为采前、采中和采后3个阶段进行冲击地压防治。矿井关停阶段重点开展煤柱回收防冲安全性论证,并基于论证结果编制防冲专项措施。


    Abstract: The existing prevention and control of rockbursts in mining mainly focus on the production phase, making it challenging to fundamentally curb rockburst disasters. Based on the concept of lifecycle management, the lifecycle of coal mines can be divided into four stages: exploration, construction, production, and closure. "Source" prevention and control measures are implemented during different stages of the mine to address rockbursts. During the exploration stage, the emphasis is on assessing the rockburst proneness and predicting the risk of rockbursts in the newly developed coal seams. In the construction stage, the focus is on identifying the dynamic tendencies and evaluating the risk of rockbursts considering all minable coal seams, as well as the roof and floor strata. This involves conducting a rockburst identification for the mine, establishing a sound prevention mechanism, improving management systems, determining mine capacity, and implementing rockburst prevention designs. In the production stage, rockburst prevention and control measures are implemented in three stages: pre-mining, during mining, and post-mining. During each stage, specific measures are undertaken to mitigate the risks associated with rockbursts. During the closure stage, safety assessments are conducted regarding the recovery of coal pillars to prevent rockbursts. Special prevention measures are developed based on the assessment results. By implementing these measures throughout the entire lifecycle of the mine, from exploration to closure, it becomes possible to address the issue of rockbursts comprehensively and effectively. This approach ensures that preventive actions are taken at the early stages of mine development and continues to manage and control rockburst risks during the operational phases, ultimately enhancing safety and reducing the impact of rockburst disasters.


